Need a program for June or September?
Select kayaking or Paddle Boarding for your year end activity.
for one day…… Boats/Boards rule over Books.
Kayaking will be a novel activity that your children will talk about for months to come. Great way to beat the heat and a great year end activity in having the Grade 5, 6 & 7 kids bomb around a lake in the short ‘banana” boats. This educational experience provides the opportunity of self discovery as well as learning the skill of independence. Topics will include basic safety, paddling skills, plus we will play some games: running the plank, yoga, bob the bow, lazy lizard lounging and stand up captain.
High school Teens are keen on the advance challenges of these little boats and discovering cool moves that will keep their wits on edge.
……………….Ideal for beginning of the year (Sept) team building activity
Backwater Paddling can outfit all kids with boats, paddles and lifejackets.
Personal boating equipment is welcomed.
With rotation, maximum of 10 people on the water at one time.
For senior high schools, university & colleges, paddling is a great opportunity for skill development.
Paddling is the perfect arena for the kids to experience: where individualism/independence meets the need of team dynamics. In addition, we do lectures/videos: focusing on the sport, craft design, paddling safety, environmental ethics, entrepreneurship, liability, tourism industry and career options.